Dirk Notz
2016-07-19 07:52:59 UTC
Dear CF community,
to more specifically describe sea-ice output from climate-model
simulations for the CMIP6 Sea-Ice MIP (SIMIP), we would like to propose
the following new standard names, area types and regions. To ease
discussion, we will suggest variables that are likely to require some
discussion in follow-up emails.
New standard names:
1. proportion_of_model_time_steps_with_sea_ice_fraction_above_threshold
fraction of time steps which had sea ice during the averaging period of
typically one month. It allows one to differentiate half a month of 100%
sea-ice cover from a full month of 50 % sea-ice concentration.
2. sea_ice_mass_content [kg m-2]
describes the total mass of sea ice divided by grid-cell area.
3. sea_ice_basal_temperature [K]
the temperature at the interface, NOT the temperature within the
lowermost sea-ice model grid cell
4. sea_ice_salt_content [kg m-2]
the total mass of all salt in sea ice divided by grid cell area
5. sea_ice_melt_pond_thickness [m]
the volume of water in meltponds divided by meltpond covered area
6. thickness_of_sea_ice_melt_pond_refrozen_ice [m]
the volume of refrozen ice in meltponds divided by meltpond covered area
7. ridged_sea_ice_thickness [m]
total volume of ridged sea ice divided by area of ridges
8. tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics [kg m-2 s-1]
total change in sea-ice mass from thermodynamic processes divided by
grid-cell area
9. tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics [kg m-2 s-1]
total change in sea-ice mass from dynamic processes divided by grid-cell
10. tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting [kg m-2 s-1]
total change in sea-ice mass from lateral melting divided by grid-cell area
11. surface_snow_sublimation_flux [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass through sublimation and evaporation
divided by grid-cell area
12. tendency_of_surface_snow_amount_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass through advection with sea ice divided
by grid-cell area
13. tendency_of_surface_snow_amount_due_to_ice_conversion [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass due to transformation of snow to sea ice
divided by grid-cell area
14. tendency_of_surface_snow_amount_due_to_drifting [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass through wind drift of snow divided by
grid-cell area
15. sea_ice_basal_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water [W m-2]
the downwelling shortwave flux underneath sea ice (always positive)
16. sea_ice_basal_net_downward_sensible_heat_flux [W m-2]
the net sensible heat flux under sea ice from the ocean
17. sea_ice_surface_net_downward_conductive_heat_flux [W m-2]
the net heat conduction flux at the ice surface
18. sea_ice_basal_net_downward_conductive_heat_flux [W m-2]
the net heat conduction flux at the ice base
19. salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_sea_ice [kg m-2 s-1]
Total flux of salt from water into sea ice divided by grid-cell area;
salt flux is upward (negative) during ice growth when salt is embedded
into the ice and downward (positive) during melt when salt from sea ice
is again released to the ocean
20. water_flux_into_sea_water_from_sea_ice [kg m-2 s-1]
Total flux of fresh water from water into sea ice divided by grid-cell
area; This flux is negative during ice growth (liquid water mass
decreases, hence upward flux of freshwater), positive during ice melt
(liquid water mass increases, hence downward flux of freshwater)
21. surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_sea_water [1]
Oceanic drag coefficient that is used to calculate the oceanic momentum
drag on sea ice
22. sea_ice_specific_x_force_due_to_sea_surface_tilt [N m-2]
X-component of force on sea ice caused by sea-surface tilt
23. sea_ice_specific_y_force_due_to_sea_surface_tilt [N m-2]
Y-component of force on sea ice caused by sea-surface tilt
24. sea_ice_specific_x_force_due_to_coriolis_term [N m-2]
X-component of force on sea ice caused by coriolis force
25. sea_ice_spcecific_y_force_due_to_coriolis_term [N m-2]
Y-component of force on sea ice caused by coriolis force
26. sea_ice_specific_x_force_due_to_internal_forces [N m-2]
X-component of force on sea ice caused by internal stress (divergence of
27. sea_ice_specific_y_force_due_to_internal_forces [N m-2]
Y-component of force on sea ice caused by internal stress (divergence of
28. sea_ice_mass_transport_across_line [kg s-1]
"net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice mass transport through
given passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean
29. sea_ice_area_transport_across_line [kg s-1]
"net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice area transport through
given passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean
New standard regions:
31. Northern Hemisphere
32. Southern Hemisphere
New area types
33. snow_covered_sea_ice
34. ridged_sea_ice
Thank you very much for your feedback, guidance and input.
With best wishes, for the SIMIP Steering Committee,
Dirk Notz
to more specifically describe sea-ice output from climate-model
simulations for the CMIP6 Sea-Ice MIP (SIMIP), we would like to propose
the following new standard names, area types and regions. To ease
discussion, we will suggest variables that are likely to require some
discussion in follow-up emails.
New standard names:
1. proportion_of_model_time_steps_with_sea_ice_fraction_above_threshold
fraction of time steps which had sea ice during the averaging period of
typically one month. It allows one to differentiate half a month of 100%
sea-ice cover from a full month of 50 % sea-ice concentration.
2. sea_ice_mass_content [kg m-2]
describes the total mass of sea ice divided by grid-cell area.
3. sea_ice_basal_temperature [K]
the temperature at the interface, NOT the temperature within the
lowermost sea-ice model grid cell
4. sea_ice_salt_content [kg m-2]
the total mass of all salt in sea ice divided by grid cell area
5. sea_ice_melt_pond_thickness [m]
the volume of water in meltponds divided by meltpond covered area
6. thickness_of_sea_ice_melt_pond_refrozen_ice [m]
the volume of refrozen ice in meltponds divided by meltpond covered area
7. ridged_sea_ice_thickness [m]
total volume of ridged sea ice divided by area of ridges
8. tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics [kg m-2 s-1]
total change in sea-ice mass from thermodynamic processes divided by
grid-cell area
9. tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics [kg m-2 s-1]
total change in sea-ice mass from dynamic processes divided by grid-cell
10. tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting [kg m-2 s-1]
total change in sea-ice mass from lateral melting divided by grid-cell area
11. surface_snow_sublimation_flux [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass through sublimation and evaporation
divided by grid-cell area
12. tendency_of_surface_snow_amount_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass through advection with sea ice divided
by grid-cell area
13. tendency_of_surface_snow_amount_due_to_ice_conversion [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass due to transformation of snow to sea ice
divided by grid-cell area
14. tendency_of_surface_snow_amount_due_to_drifting [kg m-2 s-1]
the rate of change of snow mass through wind drift of snow divided by
grid-cell area
15. sea_ice_basal_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water [W m-2]
the downwelling shortwave flux underneath sea ice (always positive)
16. sea_ice_basal_net_downward_sensible_heat_flux [W m-2]
the net sensible heat flux under sea ice from the ocean
17. sea_ice_surface_net_downward_conductive_heat_flux [W m-2]
the net heat conduction flux at the ice surface
18. sea_ice_basal_net_downward_conductive_heat_flux [W m-2]
the net heat conduction flux at the ice base
19. salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_sea_ice [kg m-2 s-1]
Total flux of salt from water into sea ice divided by grid-cell area;
salt flux is upward (negative) during ice growth when salt is embedded
into the ice and downward (positive) during melt when salt from sea ice
is again released to the ocean
20. water_flux_into_sea_water_from_sea_ice [kg m-2 s-1]
Total flux of fresh water from water into sea ice divided by grid-cell
area; This flux is negative during ice growth (liquid water mass
decreases, hence upward flux of freshwater), positive during ice melt
(liquid water mass increases, hence downward flux of freshwater)
21. surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_sea_water [1]
Oceanic drag coefficient that is used to calculate the oceanic momentum
drag on sea ice
22. sea_ice_specific_x_force_due_to_sea_surface_tilt [N m-2]
X-component of force on sea ice caused by sea-surface tilt
23. sea_ice_specific_y_force_due_to_sea_surface_tilt [N m-2]
Y-component of force on sea ice caused by sea-surface tilt
24. sea_ice_specific_x_force_due_to_coriolis_term [N m-2]
X-component of force on sea ice caused by coriolis force
25. sea_ice_spcecific_y_force_due_to_coriolis_term [N m-2]
Y-component of force on sea ice caused by coriolis force
26. sea_ice_specific_x_force_due_to_internal_forces [N m-2]
X-component of force on sea ice caused by internal stress (divergence of
27. sea_ice_specific_y_force_due_to_internal_forces [N m-2]
Y-component of force on sea ice caused by internal stress (divergence of
28. sea_ice_mass_transport_across_line [kg s-1]
"net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice mass transport through
given passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean
29. sea_ice_area_transport_across_line [kg s-1]
"net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice area transport through
given passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean
New standard regions:
31. Northern Hemisphere
32. Southern Hemisphere
New area types
33. snow_covered_sea_ice
34. ridged_sea_ice
Thank you very much for your feedback, guidance and input.
With best wishes, for the SIMIP Steering Committee,
Dirk Notz
Dr. Dirk Notz
Dr. Dirk Notz